15 November 2009

A tale of two murderers in contemporary india

Here is a short tale, real-life of two murderers in India. There are both recent and their crimes were not too far apart, considering the general scheme of things. Both the crimes were heinous as I will outline shortly.
Murderer D was a watchman who raped and murdered a girl. She resided in the apartments where he was employed. Hue and cry was raised and after a court trial and due procedure; he was hanged to death. Justice served? Perhaps, yes.
Murderer M was drunk and wanted more. The female serving drinks at the bar refused him and was shot dead for her impertinence etc. Hue and cry was raised; court case was long drawn. I am not even sue about the quantum of punishment, if at all, given to the bastard. Anyways, I was frustrated enough to write this entry because the above mentioned murderer was let out on parole and was having a nightout with company. As things happen in Delhi, people love power and using it just for the sake of it. This statement comes into play because Mr.M got into a tiff with some Mr.X who turned out to be the progeny of a police official. Enter policemen and so on. Result: parole cancelled or perhaps discretion was the better part of valour. After things have quietned down again, he will come out no doubt. So, the Chief Minister says that it was routine and she signed on the paper. Which makes me wonder if she is in the habit of signing papers put to her without reading or thinking over it?
Please find the stories here and here. I think that the death penalty should be abolished if it can only hang the poor people. For that matter, why have the law? Let us revert back to "each man for him, god for all" ASAP, remove the courts, reduce taxes and hire private muscle for settling disputes.

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