We shall not take the names of the actual characters on whom the following short conversations are based, so as not to embarrass the organisations where the incidents or conversations actually happened. However, in order to give the reader, a summarisation of one aspect of the character or mental makeup of the the people involved; we shall use nicknames entirely.
Conversation Snippet 1:
Greenhorn: Dude, I saw you wagging your head consistently throughout the conversation you had in the cabin with the Manager. What gives? Have you been declared a Role Model?
The Wise Browser: Well, we know the Flight or Fight instinct in Living organisms.
Greenhorn: Yes, but are you going to launch into one of your analogies in mythology?
The Wise Browser: I apologise.
Greenhorn: Alright, go on.
The Wise Browser: During conversations with Managers, one cannot fight. It is futile. Therefore, the other option is flight. Unfortunately, being enclosed in a glass cabin makes that impossible as well. But the body is crying to do something; then the involuntary response is what you observed.
Conversation Snippet 2:
Greenhorn: The new computers we ordered have arrived and the ITMS have delivered them to my desk. All of these assets are in my name. Why not I transfer these to your name, and you can allocate as per user request? Also I want to move all of those to your cabin.
The Leader(TL): Why do you want to do that? Just keep them. What do you have in your cupboard?
Greehorn: Books and papers.
TL: Well you can make some space. Look at it this way, you are more powerful now. You are the "owner" of all those machines. Haha..
Greenhorn: Haha.... Going by the same logic, the watchman of the warehouse is most powerful man in this centre then. haha...
TL: Well, lets not get flippant about this.
Conversation Snippet 3:
The Manager: You have used PCA for this project; PCA is 50 years old technology. We can have any Masters student do what you are doing; why would we have PhD people for this work?
Conversation Snippet 4:
The Browser: Sir, the Optimiser is getting scary.
Greehorn: Come on, dont whine as usual.
The Browser: No, it is true. I wrote C code for xxxx(some image processing algorithm). Now the Optimiser wants it in C++.
Greenhorn: First, for this deliverable, C or C++ makes no difference. Secondly, I think you have used some feature of C++; at least you have named some of the files as cpp. Maybe that is enough to convince the Optimiser...?
The Browser: Sir.... the Optimiser is asking , "where is class"? C++ must have class.
Few days later....
Greenhorn: Sir, did you re-write everything in pure C++ as demanded?
The Browser: Well, I wrote a class and put all the functions written earlier in this one class. The Optimiser is very happy..
Conversation Snippet 3:
The Manager: You have used PCA for this project; PCA is 50 years old technology. We can have any Masters student do what you are doing; why would we have PhD people for this work?
Conversation Snippet 4:
The Browser: Sir, the Optimiser is getting scary.
Greehorn: Come on, dont whine as usual.
The Browser: No, it is true. I wrote C code for xxxx(some image processing algorithm). Now the Optimiser wants it in C++.
Greenhorn: First, for this deliverable, C or C++ makes no difference. Secondly, I think you have used some feature of C++; at least you have named some of the files as cpp. Maybe that is enough to convince the Optimiser...?
The Browser: Sir.... the Optimiser is asking , "where is class"? C++ must have class.
Few days later....
Greenhorn: Sir, did you re-write everything in pure C++ as demanded?
The Browser: Well, I wrote a class and put all the functions written earlier in this one class. The Optimiser is very happy..